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From Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen to the community table

Unique program expands its reach

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The Campus Kitchen program at Augsburg College works to make healthy food accessible to all people living in and near the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in Minneapolis. The program also provides opportunities for service learning, leadership development, and genuine engagement between the College and the community.

Based in the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Campus Kitchen is a student-driven organization that addresses hunger locally and globally. Corporate partners support Campus Kitchen’s efforts, providing a solid foundation for Auggies’ stellar work.

2014-15 academic year highlights:

7 Augsburg student leaders took home a “Going Beyond The Meal” award from the 2015 Food Waste and Hunger Summit in Athens, Georgia. The honor recognized Campus Kitchen’s exceptional education and outreach efforts.

34 student volunteers engaged in Campus Kitchen activities per month on average.

13,036 pounds of unserved, edible food were recovered from A’viands campus dining and the Mill City Farmers Market and thereby diverted from the waste stream.

11,210 total meals prepared using recovered, gleaned, and homemade food served to youths, adults, and seniors in need in the Cedar-Riverside, Seward, and Phillips neighborhoods.

Campus Kitchen Donors
Plus, a new grant from The Campus Kitchens Project and AARP has enabled Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen program to provide a weekly lunch for more than a dozen additional seniors living near campus.

Did you know? General Mills has invested more than $125,000 in the Augsburg College Campus Kitchen program.

WEB EXTRA: Learn more about Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen program at

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